Iowa Quality for Kids (IQ4K)
Iowa Quality for Kids (IQ4K) is Iowa's Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for DHS licensed Child Care Centers and preschools, registered Child Development Homes and programs operating under the authority of an accredited school district or nonpublic school. IQ4K provides five levels of quality (building blocks) that programs can achieve and continue to improve on. By implementing Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), IQ4K allows programs to assess their current grade across all areas of programming and devise a structured plan to increase the overall level of program quality.
IQ4K is a voluntary system. Providers who participate in IQ4K can receive onsite technical assistance as they go through the steps needed to improve their quality of care, as well as earning achievement bonuses. Providers who participate can also market themselves as a IQ4K rated program making themselves standout from other providers to parents and to the community. Â
For more information on Iowa Quality for Kids please visit:

To speak with someone about Iowa Quality for Kids, contact:
Tiffany Hagar
Child Care Consultant
Calhoun & Webster County
(515) 573-0029
Callie Dickey
Child Care Consultant
Pocahontas County