Early Care Providers are invited to attend an online meeting to learn about early childhood mental health issues and training and consultation that is available to assist them in supporting children in their care.

Who: Early Care & Education Providers
Child Care Homes (non-registered child care providers)
Child Care Development Homes (registered child care providers)
Preschool Administrators and Teachers
Child Care Center Directors
What: We will discuss:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).
Behavioral warning signs of children that have experienced trauma.
A new service for mental health consultation in child care/preschool environments.
Mental health training available for early care providers.
Services available to young children and their parents.
When: Pick the time that is convenient for you.
Thursday, October 1st, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Monday, October 5th, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Meetings will be held online via Zoom.
Register: Registrants will be provided the link to attend the meeting. Register Here